// Switch 2 Wishlist
We’re only one month away from the Nintendo Switch 2 Direct. We know it’s going to be roughly the same thing. After all, don’t fix what ain’t broke. However, there is always room for improvement. That’s why I’ve put together a Nintendo Switch 2 Wishlist.
The Switch was amazing, but with these features, the Switch 2 could be amazing-er.
I’ve broken this down into three categories based on how likely I feel they are: reasonable asks, maybes, and hopes and dreams.
// Reasonable Asks
// 60 FPS
There will obviously be some performance enhancements with the new console. To what degree, who knows. I feel like the bare minimum to ask for in 2025 is getting games up to 60 FPS.
I’ll assume this thing is a 1080 machine for now. In that scenario, not hitting 60 is simply unacceptable.
We get more into the give and take of resolution vs frame-rate if this thing can spit out 4k. Stay tuned for that discussion.
// More Touch Screen Implementation
I often forget that the Switch even has a touchscreen because of how few games make use of it.
In this next generation, I would like to see more games take advantage of it. I’m not even talking for gameplay gimmicks. Navigating menus in things like Fire Emblem or Pokémon via the touch screen would be way better than jumping around with the buttons.
Re-arranging your inventory – or even moving around your furniture – in Animal Crossing with a tap and a drag would be super slick.

These are just a couple of examples. Use the darned touch screen.
// New System UI and Storefront
The Switch user interface is by no means bad, it’s clean and easy to use. But it lacks a certain Nintendo charm to it. Add some flare to that thing, add some personality. Don’t go crazy, of course. As a designer by day, I know all too well how quickly you can over design something and ruin the usability.
And for the love of Luigi, give us some custom themes! People love to customize their consoles however they can.
While the system UI is just fine, if a little boring, the storefront Sucks. Not only is it bland, but it’s laggy as hell and lacking a lot of functionality you would expect. They have got to fix this.
// Maybe
// 4K
This might be the largest talking point about the Switch 2 going around since backwards compatibility has been confirmed.
I think odds are better we get a 4K output than we don’t, but I would not be shocked either way. It would be a very Nintendo move to drop another 1080p machine.
Native 4K is likely off the table. If we’re going to see it, my money is on a DLSS sort of solution that will leverage AI upscaling. We’ve had leaks over the past few years indicating that Nintendo has been exploring something like this.
I hope we get it. Pikmin is always my go-to example of something that would really shine in 4K.
// More On-Board Storage
We know the Switch 2 will have an SD card slot again, which is why this is in the maybe category. I would love the Switch 2 to have more built-in storage regardless.
The OLED’s internal storage was bumped up to 64GB from the original Switch’s 32GB. I’d like to see 128GB in the Switch 2, and I’d be even happier with 256GB.

I get they won’t include hundreds of gigs for free, but I would like to be able to keep a regular rotation of games installed without buying additional storage. If we do get higher resolutions and larger game files – particularly with more third party support, who may not optimize their games for Switch as well as Nintendo does – 64GB just might not be enough.
// Dock Options + Accessories
If the third-party options for these types of devices are anything to go by, there’s a market for them. I would love some official Nintendo accessories or more robust docks.
A dock with slots for multiple game carts that your Switch 2 could read and play from would be super cool to have. More port options are always welcome as well.
// Hopes and Dreams
// 1440p Screen
I know it’s a lot to ask, that’s why we’re in the Hopes and Dreams section. The 1280×720 screen resolution just isn’t doing it anymore. The Switch 2 screen being a bit larger would make an even better use case because you could appreciate – and actually perceive – the detail.
// Surpassing 60
Let’s get 120 frames in this thing. Why not! Imagine how slick playing a Mario game or an F-Zero game would be at 120 FPS. Based on rumours, Switch 2 will be roughly equivalent to a PS4 Pro. 120 frames per second output is beyond what the PS4 Pro could do, but maybe Nintendo can work their magic.
// GameCube + Controller
This one veers into “new games” wishlist territory instead of a “new console” wishlist, but here’s my reasoning: now that we have a more powerful machine, it stands to reason we could emulate more powerful games. I’d be over the moon if they added GameCube games to NSO.

In addition to that, make a controller! A wireless GameCube controller for the Switch just like the previously released N64 controller would be the perfect accompaniment to the new games. And make it the purple one, darn it!
// Achievements
I know it’s not their style, but I would love if Nintendo added a trophy/achievement system. Maybe completing all of a game’s achievements unlocks a neat profile icon, like you can currently get with Nintendo Switch Online.