Series 4 of Slow Horses covers a darker story with great performances by a group of older actors. The topic of dementia adds an emotional element to the season that the others didn't have.
Season 3 of Invincible hits the ground running with its great narrative beats and themes. I felt it was strong enough to deserve its own review, so here are my thoughts on this first tranche of episodes.
Bring Them Down is a film with a small scope set in rural Ireland that slow burns a powderkeg story until the seething tone shifts to violence. It may not be for everyone though.
Slow Horses is easily one of the best spy shows right now. How do series 2 and 3 compare to 1? Well I thought they made it bigger and better in every way. I cover all my favourite things without spoilers in this review.
// Paper Mario I’m back in the land of two dimensions with Paper Mario. After playing The Thousand-Year Door and reviewing it, it was time I jump back into the…